Monday, March 17th @ 4 pm: Parkinson's Support Group Meeting @ NFT : topic New PD medication Vlalev. Speaker Jennifer Eklof, BSRN from Abbvie
Monday, March 17th @ 4 pm: Parkinson's Support Group Meeting @ NFT : topic New PD medication Vlalev. Speaker Jennifer Eklof, BSRN from Abbvie
Monday, March 17th @ 4 pm: Parkinson's Support Group Meeting @ NFT : topic New PD medication Vlalev. Speaker Jennifer Eklof, BSRN from Abbvie
Neuro Fitness Therapy is a cutting-edge therapy provider for Parkinson's Disease and other movement disorder patients in the tri-state area. We are dedicated to providing individualized treatment programs utilizing the latest techniques and approaches in both one-on-one and group settings. Providing excellent interventions, education, caregiver training, and ongoing evaluation are the pillars of the Neuro Fitness approach.
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