Rock Steady Boxing

Call to schedule for your Rock Steady Boxing Class as class size is limited.

  • Physical Therapy Kernersville NC
  • Physical Therapy Kernersville NC
  • Physical Therapy Kernersville NC
  • Physical Therapy Kernersville NC
  • Physical Therapy Kernersville NC
  • Physical Therapy Kernersville NC
  • Physical Therapy Kernersville NC

Boxers train to improve:

  • Balance
  • Hand-eye coordination
  • Speed of movement
  • Agility
  • Muscle power
  • Mental focus
  • Rhythm

Classes, taught by Certified Rock Steady Boxing Coaches, include an exercise program that attacks Parkinson’s at its vulnerable neurological points. While focusing on overall fitness, strength training, reaction time and balance, workouts include: ring work, focus mitts, heavy bags, speed bags, double-ended bags, jump rope, core work, calisthenics and circuit weight training. No boxing experience is necessary and people of all ages are invited to participate. Boxers, both male and female, range in age from mid-30s to early 90s.

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive, degenerative neurological disease that has no cure. For some unknown reason, the brain begins a decline in the production of a neurotransmitter called “dopamine,” which is responsible for brain-to-muscle communication. The result is a loss of motor and non-motor function. When diagnosed with Parkinson’s, people usually lose 70-80% of their normal dopamine levels.

Current treatments include medication, surgical treatment such as deep brain stimulation (DBS), and lifestyle changes, including exercise, diet, and emotional support. There are several medications that can temporarily relieve the symptoms of Parkinson’s, but exercise is the only treatment that has been medically proven to slow the progression of PD.


Several medical studies on exercise and Parkinson’s have concluded that moderate to high-intensity exercise can slow the progression of Parkinson’s. In other words, when exercise is done at a volunteer rate, there is less benefit than when exercise is done that pushes or forces someone out of their comfort zone.